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Campaign Manager

When your bank or credit union markets new products and services, you face two significant challenges:

  • How do we target the right customers and households for a campaign?
  • How do we accurately measure the response to the campaign?
Campaign Manager helps you deal with the first challenge, making your campaigns more effective and limiting marketing costs. It helps you with the second challenge by enabling you to measure the effectiveness of each campaign.
View a gallery of screens from Campaign Manager.

Campaign Manager helps you:

  • build more focused lists and micro-lists of targets for marketing and outreach efforts.
  • eliminate redundant mailings within a household.
  • eliminate irrelevant and low-probability prospects from your mailings and contacts.
  • incorporate profitability into your targeting and segmenting efforts.
  • identify targets for finely tuned loyalty and retention programs.
  • track success metrics over time – in terms of accounts opened, new balances, and new profit.
  • alert branch and customer service staff that the person they are serving has been targeted for a campaign.

Campaign Manager integrates with Point of Service by feeding target and response information directly to the individual and household views. It works with Process Manager by turning lists of customers and members into new tasks assigned for calling campaigns and other in-person outreach efforts. It integrates with ProfitPro to measure net changes to profitability from individual campaigns.

Review the technical information available on SEDONA CRM/SEDONA MRM.
Look through our online demo library.
Contact SEDONA to learn how Campaign Manager can help you get a better return on your limited marketing dollars and resources.