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Campaign Manager

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Last Update:6/18/2009 1:18:29 PM
Campaign Manager makes it easy to create and implement targeted campaigns that reach highly specific audiences saving both time and money for the bank or credit union. Through its tracking options, it also lets you clearly see how effective your campaigns really are.  A campaign is not necessarily restricted to a new account offer. You can track changes in existing accounts or observe the purchasing patterns of a particular group. A campaign might also be a newsletter, a birthday card or a thank you letter to specific customers.
Promotion Set up
Title: Promotion Set up
Description: An easy to use wizard will walk you through the entire campaign set up.  In this example we are setting up a promotion to track a web banner.
Promotion Tracking Set Up
Title: Promotion Tracking Set Up
Description: The Campaign Manager wizard will walk you through the process of setting up your tracking by either offer codes or product openings.
ROI Calculator
Title: ROI Calculator
Description: Ensure your marketing success with the built in ROI calculator.  The Camapign Manager ROI Calculator allows you to test different cost and response scenerios so you have an idea of the promotions potential before you commit to the program.
Media Properties
Title: Media Properties
Description: Depending on what type of media you are using for your promotion, the media set up will quickly walk you through setting all of your media properties.
Define Offer Code
Title: Define Offer Code
Description: If you choose to track by offer code, Campaign Manager will guide you through the offer code set up.
Tracking Report
Title: Tracking Report
Description: Tracking the effectiveness of your marketing programs is just a mouse click away with SEDONA's standard campaign tracking reports.