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Point of Service

In many instances, when you are in contact with a customer or member, you can only see information from your core system for one of their accounts at a time. It is most critical to see a full picture of the individual and household, and all accounts, in order to interact effectively. Point of Service provides that full picture.

View a gallery of screens from Point of Service.

In addition to consolidated balances, Point of Service provides important information about your bank or credit union’s relationship with the person you are talking to, including:

  • number of years as a customer or member at your financial institution.
  • individual and household profitability and value.
  • outreach or marketing campaigns targeting the individual or household.
  • response to specific campaigns.

Such rich yet boiled-down information is crucial at the moment of contact, so that your staff can be effective in building further loyalty and explaining the value of new accounts and services when appropriate.

Point of Service integrates with the Campaign Manager module to display campaign and response information. It also integrates with the ProfitPro module to show profitability at the level of the account, individual, and household. Staff can use processes, tasks, and alerts which are integrated directly from the Process Manager module.

Review the technical information available on SEDONA CRM/SEDONA MRM.
Look through our online demo library.
Contact SEDONA to learn more about how Point of Service can help your staff respond more effectively during their contacts with your customers and members.