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Credit Union CRM Solutions

Campaign Management

With SEDONA MRM, your credit union’s marketing department can realize significant time and budget savings. We’ll help you optimize your marketing efforts by enabling you to ...

  • set up and track targeted marketing and sales campaigns
  • break down data into the result categories you desire – such as response rates for hardcopy mailings versus email outreach
  • see just how effective various marketing campaigns are with any credit union product or credit union service
  • quantify the return on your credit union’s marketing investments.

SEDONA MRM’s credit union campaign management tool includes an ROI calculator that compares the costs and subsequent revenues received from a specific marketing campaign. Multiple campaigns – or waves – can be compared, and campaigns can be linked to processes, thus allowing a campaign’s execution to be managed throughout your credit union.

This campaign management feature lets you track the progress of your credit union’s campaigns and make adjustments where necessary as each campaign progresses. Relevant marketing materials can be generated with each campaign and viewed by any banking personnel who need to see them.

Credit Union campaign management no longer has to be a hit-or-miss affair. Contact SEDONA and let us give you a free demonstration of how SEDONA MRM can make campaign management a more-profitable endeavor.